Friday, July 31, 2015

What craft skill would you like to learn?

What craft skill would you like to learn?

I am always looking to learn a new craft skill, and love sharing what I learn with my readers.
If there is a craft or new skill you would like to learn let me know and I will research it and if it is something that I can do, I will post a video on it or at least write a blog on it.

How to crochet

How to Crochet

Learning how to crochet is really about getting used to  holding the yarn and learning the stitches.
There are many tutorials on how to crochet but my best advice is to find one you really like and practice, practice , practice.  Don't give up because you will eventually get it.  The basics of crochet are are the chain, single crochet, double crochet and triple crochet and have variations of these stitches in a pattern.  Here is a beginner video on the basic chain and single crochet.

Sewing with Elastic Thread

Welcome to my blog and to kick off the first day of my blog I am posting a video on how to sew with elastic Thread.

 I had made several attempts before I got the knack of sewing with elastic thread and wanted to pass along a few tips and tricks on how to do it.